Under Prime Minister ABE’s administration, Japan aims to realize a society where all women can flourish.
To that end, Japan is striving to create women-friendly working environment and expand women’s participation in policy and decision making processes.
In order to ensure that Japan continues to prosper in a diverse and sustainable manner, we must recognize the role of women as a driving force for Japan's economy, help to create and expand opportunities for women, and make innovations happen. A situation called the “M-shaped curb” where the employment rate of women drops sharply during the period of their child-rearing has to be resolved to realize a society where no more Japanese women should be forced to choose between child-rearing and work.
In a democratic society, both women and men are equally expected to actively participate in the political decision-making process and bear their share of responsibility. Also, a variety of opinions should be equally and fairly heard in decision-making and direction-setting processes in political and societal spheres, and benefits should be equally enjoyed by women and men. Increasing women’s participation in policy and decision making processes, particularly in the political field, is a pressing challenge for the Japanese society.
With due considerations above,
- The Government of Japan is taking specific measures by 2020 to achieve objectives on the basis of The Fourth Basic Plan for Gender Equality which was established in December 2015. Especially, towards increasing women’s participation in policy and decision-making processes, measures and objectives were established in the Fourth Basic Plan, which should lead to the achievement of related objectives by 2020 in order to increase female candidates of leadership positions.
- In the economic area, the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace was fully enforced in April 2016. The Act regulates large companies to formulate and announce plans of action to promote women’s empowerment including quantitative targets and initiatives. In addition, a system which is to give higher evaluations to the companies that foster a better work-life balance for their employees among bidders for public procurement contracts has been introduced to whole government ministries and agencies.
- In the political area, we are urging political parties and circles to take proactive steps autonomously to increase female candidates in elections.
- 2015年12月に策定した「第4次男女共同参画基本計画」に基づき、2020年度を見据えた具体的な取組を進め、成果目標の達成を目指す。特に政策・方針決定過程への女性の参画拡大に向けては、将来指導的地位に成長していく女性の候補者を増やすための取組やそのための成果目標を新たに設定し、5年後の達成に向けた道筋を付けていく。
- 雇用分野では、2016年4月に女性活躍推進法が完全施行され、大企業等に数値目標を掲げた女性活躍に係る行動計画の策定・公表等を義務付けた。また、同年4月には、女性活躍の前提となるワーク・ライフ・バランスを推進する企業を公共調達で評価する取組も始まっており、今後、政府全体で取組を促進していく。
- 政治分野では、女性活躍推進法に基づき民間企業等が行う取組を踏まえ、各政党において候補者等に関する同様の取組などが自主的に行われるよう、政党に対して積極的な働きかけを実施し、各政党の取組を促進していく。